The heartwarming story of a deaf and elderly dog named “Puppy” has recently captured the attention of many. For days, the beloved pet was missing, causing great distress among its owners. However, their worries were soon put to rest thanks to the quick thinking of Tino, a Search and Rescue dog who was on his very first mission. The moment Puppy was found, safely and soundly, after 40 long hours of being lost, was truly an emotional one for all involved.
Karen James went horseback riding with her 150-pound Great Pyrenees puppy, but the puppy suddenly went missing in McCleary, Washington. After two days of searching, Karen and her family decided to seek help from Three Retrievers Lost Pet Rescue.
According to a post on Facebook by Three Retrievers Lost Pet Rescue, a group of three rescuers had to work together to safely extract Puppy from the difficult situation it was in. The organization praised one of the rescuers, Tino, for his exceptional work in finding the stranded dog.
Initially, the hind legs of the little doggo did not work properly, which could be due to the fact that he was trapped in the cold mud for a considerable amount of time. The dense forest went on for miles, and Puppy’s family would have had a hard time finding him if it weren’t for the search dog’s help.
The little puppy was rescued and brought back to his home in a wagon, much to the delight of his family. As James recounted the story to Fox 13, he explained how the pup had been stuck in the mud and would have gone unnoticed if he hadn’t been off the beaten path.